We welcome photographers in search of a great setting for a Photo Shoot at Snyder’s Farm.
Email to Schedule your Photo Shoot Session.
Photographers must receive Snyder’s Farm schedule approval for photo/video shoots that:
- Are with clients (or friends/family, whether professional or amateur)
- Utilize professional equipment
- Are works for hire
- Include staged photos or videos
- Involve client photography
- Involve the exchange of money for a service rendered
Professional equipment includes but not limited to:
- Detachable flash
- Diffusers
- Large photography bags
- Lights
- Monopod
- Multiple lenses
- Props
- Reflectors
- Tripod
- And/or similar items
These types of photoshoots MUST be scheduled outside of our event hours and are based upon farm availability. This is done to allow our guests visiting the farm to enjoy their visit without having to worry about getting in the way of a photoshoot. This also allows our photographers to not have to worry about guests ruining a shot.
Photography Session
- Photoshoots are to be scheduled outside of our event hours for a fee
- $40 per session
- A session consists of 1 hour in 1 area
- Additional sessions can be purchased at a rate of $25
- $75 per session for sunset timeframe*
- Payment is due prior to the scheduled session via Credit card through PayPal
We require that you tag Snyder’s Farm in your photos posted on social media. All photos must be identified as being photographed at Snyder’s Farm.
A Snyder’s Farm employee will guide first time Snyder’s Farm photographers to the fields open for photos. After picking your spot to take photos our staff will not remain for the duration of the photo session. Our staff is not responsible for directing clients to your photoshoot location, so please have yourself or an assistant there to meet them when entering and walk them out upon leaving so no one is walking around the farm unsupervised.
Please remember, flowers, corn etc. are an agricultural crop and are subject to Mother Nature. The weather and growing conditions are variables that could impact the growth. We cannot guarantee that the sunflowers, corn or the changing of the leaves in fall on a particular date. If you schedule ahead, please ensure your dates are flexible.
Photography Farm Rules & Other Information
- Snyder’s Farm reserves the right to halt any photography session deemed to be disruptive
- Please do not disrupt the flowers or vegetation
- Props must be carried to your photoshoot location and removed upon departure
- All photos should be family friendly
- Children must be supervised at all times
- It is the responsibility of the photographer to be aware of the weather and reschedule with Snyder’s Farm and their client prior to their photoshoot start time. Rain dates can be rescheduled at no additional cost if rescheduled before start of photoshoot
Please email us at info@snyders-farm.com to send requests to reserve a scheduled photoshoot. A COI must be submitted along with payment. Snyder’s Farm will email you a PayPal invoice for payment. Payment and COI must be received by Snyder’s Farm within 48 hours of confirmation or schedule request will be released.
COI should be made out to Snyder’s Farm and to
Rajos Holdings LLC
586 South Middlebush Rd
Somerset, NJ 08873